Golf Club Risk Assessment

Golf Concepts Consulting sees lawsuits of every type abound in modern society, and golf courses are not immune from them.

Did you know that there are 50,000 lawsuits each year stemming from injuries at a golf facility or from a golf cart? After a lawsuit is commenced, your facility faces the possibility of drastically increased insurance rates or the more drastic possibility that your insurance will be canceled, with disruptions of time and personnel while the lawsuit continues for 2 to 3 years.

Our founder, Stephen Eisenberg, a Golf Risk Management Expert, has spoken and been published internationally on risk management issues surrounding golf courses and the golf industry. As a PGA Professional and with a law degree, as well as 17 years of knowledge of golf related legal issues, he and his personally-trained Golf Concepts staff are in business to help you avoid this scenario.

Golf Concepts can do any or all of the following to help your feel comfortable that your facility has taken all the steps it can to minimize exposure to costly lawsuits:
  • Examine all golf holes, practice areas and clubhouse to determine areas of maximum risk.
  • Do an "A to Z" examination of your facility policies and procedures to determine if they expose your club to risk.
  • Analyze the law in your state, with your legal counsel, as it pertains to golf operations, to point out areas of concern and areas of exposure.
  • Provide you with an "Accident Prevention Plan" with the results of our examination.
  • Conduct training with Staff and Key Management Personnel to help better their awareness of risks and provide strategies to help minimize risk.
  • Consult directly with your Golf Insurance Company to put them on notice of our plan, which should result in significant cost-savings to your facility.
  • Golf Business planning assessment
After Golf Concepts has visited your facility, we are happy to conduct a follow-up visit after you have implemented our suggestions.